
  在R.E.A.L Schools,我们提供一系列完整又全面的课程选项,以满足您的孩子在教育和成长方面的需要。  

  • 英语
  • 英语文学
  • 英语作为第二语言
  • 马来语
  • 华语
  • 社会学
  • 地理
  • 物理
  • 化学
  • 生物
  • 商学
  • 经济学
  • 会计
  • 数学
  • 高等数学
  • 电脑/资讯通信科技
  • 艺术与设计
  • 音乐
  • 体育
  • 演讲与戏剧
  • Lego教育


  • 羽毛球
  • 篮球
  • 足球
  • 游泳
  • 跆拳道
  • 草坪网球
  • 手工艺品
  • 跑步
  • 悠悠球(Yo-yo)
  • Zumba健身


  • 艺术与工艺
  • 食谱
  • 基督校园团契
  • 经济与商业
  • 国际奖项
  • 设计
  • 乐队与音乐
  • 扯鈴



Lavaanii, 母亲

My daughter was in REAL Early Years for the past 2 years. She had so much fun and always excited to go to school every morning. The teachers are really helpful and dedicated. Special thanks to Eleanor teachers, Ms Shamila and Ms Kamala for being such an amazing, helpful, patient and encouraging towards her for the past 2 years. She will definitely missed the school and teachers as she is embarking to her new journey in Year 1 soon.

NUR SHUHANA, REAL Schools Shah Alam Campus

This is not the first time you taught my daughters. The first time was with Scarlett. Back then, COVID-19 was bad, and most of the time, classes were online. Then, Megan is very lucky to get to attend a fruitful physical education class with you.

I have to say you're a very caring yet strict teacher, which is a good balance for my child with you. I still remember that during the first semester, Megan requested that I ask to discuss this with you in order to place her with her favourite classmate. Without hesitation you rejected me instantly, the valid explanation from you and the betterment of Megan. I trusted your judgement and arrangements, and indeed, Megan has shown improvement in her behaviour and character.

In terms of academics, she has improved a lot, especially with her zero knowledge of BM, and now she knows how to tell me a little in Bahasa. I know it has been very tough for you to handle 22 kids all alone for the first semester, but you have tried your level best to teach everyone. Of course, it was even better when Teacher Nana joined. I can see your health has improved in some way.

Megan is a very chatty and talkative girl; she loves you and has been missing you dearly since the holidays started. Now she keeps asking if you could teach her in the 6-year-old class 😅.

Thank you for giving Megan a pleasant learning journey.

Joey Toh, REAL Schools Shah Alam Campus


Prithika Angel, 家长

我有2个孩子在这里学习。他们不仅在学术上蓬勃发展,而且在体育方面也很繁荣。 REAL 相信孩子的全面发展。最重要的是,我的孩子们很开心。😄

Vanitha Vanar, 家长

我喜欢我在真实的学校教育。有很多 CCA 选择,我发现了我的兴趣。教我的老师都非常乐于助人和关心我。和REAL的同学们在一起也很开心。我从组织慈善嘉年华中学到的是团队合作,学习如何为有需要的人筹集资金。现在在大学里,我和几个人正在为住在吉隆坡的孤儿组织一场慈善嘉年华。

Takakatsu Ishihara, REAL International School校友


Evelina Brigida Silveira, 家长

我在这所学校有2个孩子。一个在国家大四,另一个在RIS。总的来说,我对教我孩子的老师很满意,因为他们表现出奉献精神,并且总是愿意在需要时为他们提供帮助。 ipad学习的实施非常及时,因为可以在整个MCO期间进行在线课程。

Michael Lee, 母亲


Npr Rasu, 父亲

Well, Durga has entered the REAL Kids with zero knowledge and she can’t speak English well before as our parents speak in Tamil at home but we can see so much improvement in this one year, I guess it’s not possible without you Ms Selvam. Our child comes home every day telling us stories about how fun it is to be in your classroom. Thank you for instilling this love of learning into our child. It has been such a pleasure watching her grow this year. We are so grateful to have you as our child’s teacher ❤️

Saroja, REAL Schools Shah Alam Campus



Lot No. 5, Jalan Merah Saga U9/5, 40250 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


+603 7842 3228 / +603 78463985


+603 78463980