Campus Open Day | Cheras Campus | REAL Schools

Posted on 9 March 2023

On the 18th of February, REAL Schools Cheras Campus had our Open Day to showcase the programmes that our school offers to prospective students and parents. Booths displaying students’ work were held at the Hall of Character, and there were a few taster classes by our teachers to give prospective students a glimpse of what lessons in REAL are like. The prospective parents had the opportunity to sit and speak with the teachers and understand about life at REAL, Cheras, by looking through the books we use in the classrooms and browsing through photos and other documents displayed. 

Besides the academic booth displays and taster classes, the Open Day participants were awed with a choral speaking performance by the REAL National Senior students. They were also amazed to witness puppet shows by the National, Junior students who were excited to tell their stories with the puppet house they built with the help of their English and Art teachers. These displays show parents how our students are active in public speaking and constantly engaged in this area enabling them to converse well and communicate with others in real life situations.