Overview of the REAL International Early Years Education

At REAL Schools, we believe that every child is an individual with a unique story to tell. We recognise and celebrate each child as a leader with their own unique talents and skills. That is why our Early Years programme provides a high-quality dual pathway and dynamic curriculum that builds a strong foundation for young learners to pursue international and national curriculums.

Furthermore, it is based on the superior UK framework and quality, holistic and fun co-curricular activities are incorporated into the school’s unique learning & development programme as we believe your child deserves the best. Your child will gain great confidence and life skills that will take them further in life.

Language and Literacy

English | Bahasa Melayu | Mandarin

Reading | Writing

Listening | Speaking



Science & Mathematics

Lego Education

Creative Art & Craft

Character Education

Moral / Character Building

Islamic Studies

Young Performers Programme

Music | Dance | Singing

Speech & Drama

Physical Development

Gym / PE




We offer our students the best facilities to help them optimise their learning opportunities and thrive. All of the school facilities on campus will be available to our early years students. From upgraded sports facilities like outdoor courts and a swimming pool to a library with a cosy reading corner, our campus has it all.

Football Field

Basketball Court

Kids' Swimming Pool


Music Studio

Robotics Lab


Dance Studio

Futsal Court


Culinary Lab

Science Lab

We acknowledge that assisting a child as they transition between different stages of their school life is a vital part of their overall well-being. Our Early Years journey begins at the age of three and until the age of six. By the age of five and six, a more structured and bridged programme will be introduced under Reception and Pre-Primary. This will guide your child through the transition to Year 1 or Junior 1 at REAL Schools, ensuring they achieve the best possible learning outcomes from the Early Years. 

Schooling Hours



Monday - Thursday

8.00am - 3.30pm


8.00am - 12.30pm

Day Care Programme Available



Monday - Thursday

3.30pm - 6.00pm


12.30pm - 6.00pm

Enquire Now


Lot No. 5, Jalan Merah Saga U9/5, 40250 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


+603 7842 3228 / +603 78463985


+603 78463980

Callie Lim Li Chuen

R.E.A.L Schools莎阿南校园校长

亲爱的父母, 感谢您为您的孩子考虑 R.E.A.L 学校。我们 R.E.A.L 教育集团致力于提供出色的学术、品格和领导技能,以便为每个学生提供他们在生活中真正取得成功所需的一切。作为一个非常成熟和规模更大的全球教育集团 XCL 教育集团的一部分,我们将继续在正式和非正式课程中加强 21 世纪的学习策略和计划 - 培养高度自信、全面发展的个人,以在其中留下自己独特的印记这个世界。 我们还相信在 R.E.A.L 学校提供一个有利和包容的环境,以最大限度地发挥学生的潜力,让每个人都能与他们的朋友和老师一起充分享受他们的学习和成长岁月。所有这些,都是为了激发我们亲爱的学生们更光明的未来,这反过来也会对我们和整个社区产生积极的影响。 拥有超过 20 年的私立和国际学校教育经验,拥有法学学士和教育硕士学位,以及对下一代优质教育的浓厚热情和承诺,我很高兴能与致力于团队,因为我们期待热情地欢迎、服务和培养您的孩子,使其成为最好的孩子。