Overview of the REAL National Early Years Education

At REAL Schools, we believe that every child is an individual with a unique story to tell. That is why our Early Years education is carefully designed to help young learners develop their social, emotional and personal skills through a thematic approach that incorporates literacy, S.T.E.AM, holistic learning, character education and physical development. 

We aim to support young learners' learning and development by laying the foundation through experiential learning for them to reach their full potential by optimising their hard and soft skills as they grow.

Language and Literacy

Twinkl. Programme

English - Oxford / Cambridge English

Bahasa Malaysia - Asas & Project-based learning

Fun Mandarin

Reading / Bacaan Programme


Fun Mathematics

Science - Experimental/ Project-based

Lego & Robotic

Creative Art

Character Education

Fundamental Agama

Character First (Civic)

Holistic Learning

Taste Buds (Culinary Art)

C.A.P.S. - Critical Analytical Problem Solving

B.E.S.T. - Building Effective Speaking Talent

Junior Coding Programme (foundation)

Emotional Resilience (ER) - Mental Wellness Curriculum

Physical Development

Swimming Lesson

Fun Taekwondo

Music & Movement

Fun Gym


We offered our students the best facilities to help them optimise their learning opportunities and thrive. All of the school facilities on campus will be available to our early years students. From upgraded sports facilities like outdoor courts and a swimming pool to a library with a cosy reading corner, our campus has it all.

Football Field

Basketball Court

Swimming Pool


Art Studio


Makerspace: 3D Printing


Music Studio

Science Lab

Culinary Arts Lab

We acknowledge that assisting a child as they transition between different stages of their school life is a vital part of their overall well-being. Our Early Years journey begins at the age of three and until the age of six. By the age of five and six, a more structured and bridged programme will be introduced under Early Years 2 and Early Years 3. This will guide your child through the transition to Year 1 or Junior 1 at REAL Schools, ensuring they achieve the best possible learning outcomes from the Early Years. 

Schooling Hours



Monday - Thursday

8.00 am - 3.30 pm


8.00 am - 1.00 pm

Day Care Programme Available



Monday - Thursday

3.30 pm - 5.00 pm


1.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Enquire Now


Lot 217, Batu 13, Jalan Hulu Langat, 43100 Hulu Langat, Selangor Malaysia


+603 9021 3601 / +6019 3163 600

Mr Cheli Tamilselvam

R.E.A.L Schools,蕉赖峰景校园校长


Cheli先生获得纽西兰奥塔哥大学英国文学荣誉教育学士学位,并获得纽西兰梅西大学“教授英语作为第二语言”的认证资格。他还持有教育部的国家教育领袖专业资格(NPQEL),自2007年起便担任多所学校的副校长,包括砂拉越的SMK Bandar Kuching(1)、SMK Sinar Bintang KL和SMK Menjalara KL。

在36年的教育生涯中,Cheli先生总是对师生们表现出极大的同理心,而且一直是领先的革新者;他推出了各种对马来西亚教育有重大正面影响的方案和倡议。他是"阅读巴士学会"的创始人,该组织为乡下和城市贫困社区的边缘化儿童提供书籍。1994年,他凭借The HELP或 "实用英语语文计划" 而勇夺革新教师年度奖。

Cheli先生还创立了"积极态度塑造性格" (www.pabc.my)。作为一个态度管理系统,它赋予学生掌握教育的自主权,同时让教师能在教室管理负担不过重的情况下进行教学,并让家长监督其子女的教育成长,并与他们一起旅行。在公立学校服务的最后一年,他发起并协调了"前沿区" (CEZ)举措,这涉及课堂的数码化,以改变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式。

Cheli先生在教育方面的辉煌成就有目共睹,至今已五夺教育部颁发的"卓越服务奖",这是大马史上稀有公务员达致的成果。积累了这般丰富的资历、知识和技能,他加入REAL Schools蕉赖校园出任校长一职。