Moral Values

The values we seek to impart to our students: goodness, compassion, justice, integrity and moral courage, are values that are the fundamental core of our organisation. These are values that will guide our actions and decisions that we hope will set an example to our students.

Community Service Partnerships

To cultivate community mindedness and responsible citizenship, all students will actively participate in 1 community project every year. Year 7 to 11 (Senior 1 to 5) students will be challenged to develop high impact, sustainable solutions to deal with larger community problems as part of our efforts to expand their “circle of circles” and teach them to exercise community leadership.

Examples and Achievements

Tree planting project

Tree planting project

Students visiting an orphanage

REAL students' visit to an orphanage

Students' visit to an orphanage

Students visiting a local orphanage

Leaderonomics Leadership Club

CAREton School Outreach programme

World Autism Awareness Day

Kindness Festival

World Autism Awareness Day

Tree planting project as part of ‘ALL IT Fights Climate Change’ campaign

CAREton School Outreach Programme

Discover Our 10 Real World Skills

We live in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) that is being shaped by the 4th and 5th industrial revolutions. At R.E.A.L Schools we believe that REAL education prepares students for the REAL world. Our team of educators have put together a unique and enhanced school curriculum that makes education relevant and exciting and will ensure that your child is ready to thrive in the REAL world.

Digital Skills

Entrepreneurial Skills

Global Skills

Scientific Skills

Communication Skills

Sporting & Outdoor Survival Skills

Innovative Skills

Performing Arts Skills

Psychological Skills